
I have travelled to Korcula to participate in an artist-in-residence and mentorship with grey) (area‘s Darko Fritz and Sonja Leboš.

For the purposes of this blog I will be writing my thoughts, discoveries, and process of what I experience while I’m here on Korcula, with a particular focus of one of Leboš’s and Fritz’s current project entitled: “Blato case-study: cycles of change or how to learn from crises

Sonja Leboš is an experienced urban and cultural anthropologist, you can find some of her projects and writings here at Urbanologies – Aiir and resurbanae.

Darko Fritz is a media arts artist and curator whose practice involves interventions in the built environment. He founded grey) (area in Korcula town, Korcula.

I am interested in what was left behind when people left Blato, for example, are there remaining traces that hints at the exodus of people who left during the 20th Century? I see this exploration of local impacts on the town and the people of Blato coming at a time where the local can inform and be of significance also in a global context.